Stanley 350G EXC BUCKET
$3,000.00 USD

Category: Buckets
Machine Name: Stanley 350G EXC BUCKET
Machine Location:Ashland, WI
Serial Number: J000116451-1
Stock Number: 262307
Description: 42" 350G EXC BUCKET (5) KC110 PADDLE TEETH PT# 35HE042E Coupler; General Purpose; Standard Strength; GETs: Teeth
Yes : No :
Good : ●●●  Fair : ●●  Poor :
General Specifications
Fits On (Machine Category)Excavators
BucketGeneral Purpose
Stanley 350G EXC BUCKET
$3,000.00 USD

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Only $56.60 / Mo.

Dealer Information:
McCoy Construction & Forestry
Ashland, WI
Brian Durfee cell (715) 514-9462
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