5 Times Heavy Equipment is Needed for Home Maintenance

A driveway project comes together. via http://url.ie/11pvp

Fri March 24, 2017
Tricia Clark

There are some issues around the house that small fixes simply will not stand the test of time for and instead heavy-duty equipment is needed to get the job done. Bringing in heavy equipment onto your property can seem overwhelming and unnecessary, but sometimes these big machines are exactly what are needed to complete a task efficiently and effectively.

There are more projects that are key to good home maintenance that require bigger equipment than you might think. Here are five things you should consider using heavy equipment for in order to help keep your home running smoothly for longer.

1. Regrade Lawn to Improve Drainage

Lawns that slope toward a home can become a huge problem for homeowners. This is because rain runoff and groundwater will constantly flow toward the home and put increasing pressure on the foundation. All this pressure can lead to cracks in the foundation, which in turn can cause basement flooding issues as well as structural problems for the entire home.

If this is the case, then it is wise to bring in some heavy equipment to regrade or reslope the lot the home is on so that the slope tilts away from the home. Here's what equipment may be needed for this project:

• Excavator or bulldozer to clear any large rocks, debris, shrubbery, or trees

• Backhoe loader to cut the grade of the slope and level it out

• Dump truck to collect and dispose of the debris gathered from the lawn

2. Tree Trimming and Removal

While they may be beautiful and beneficial to our environment, trees can cause big problems for homeowners as well. For example, tree roots can grow into sewer pipes causing them to break, tree branches can grow into power lines cutting out your service, trees can die and fall onto a home, and trees can grow into other properties and upset neighbors.

These are only some of the many reasons to take preventative action for tree issues by calling in tree professionals. Here is some of the heavy equipment they may bring in to help them do their job:

• Aerial bucket trucks to raise a tree trimming professional to the areas that need cutting down

• Stump drill for grinding up a tree stump

• Excavator for digging up and removing the tree stump remains

• Dump truck for removing the debris from the job site

3. Pumping the Septic Tank

A key part of septic tank maintenance is regularly pumping it out. This is one of the homeowner tasks that people often put off, thinking that since they have not noticed any problems then everything is probably fine. This is a mistake. In a septic tank, solids settle at the bottom of the tank and if this layer is left too long it can lead to backups and system failure. Septic system professionals need to come in to inspect the septic tank and remove this layer from the bottom using this equipment:

• Shovel or excavator to remove the soil above the septic tank lid depending on how deep it is

• Large liquid waste hauler to safely pump out the tank and remove the solid layer from the bottom

The rate at which a septic tank needs to be cleaned out depends on the size of the tank, but typically falls between every 2-4 years. Staying on top of these regular clean outs will save homeowner's from costlier repairs in the future. To preserve the lifespan of your septic tank on a daily basis, try to conserve water usage and avoid putting the following things down the drain or toilet: feminine hygiene products, coffee grounds, cat litter, and household chemicals such as paint and bleach.

4. Landslide Prevention

Landslides can wipe out homes and even entire neighborhoods in a matter of seconds. If you live on a landslide-prone slope, bringing in heavy equipment to put in preventative measures to protect your home should be at the top of your to-do list. Here are some of the ways that heavy equipment can help with landslide prevention:

• Excavator to dig out the soil and rock at the peak of a landslide-prone area to reduce the amount of pressure that can drive a landslide down

• Excavator or bulldozer to flatten the slope angle to reduce the chances of a landslide occurring

• Heavy-duty trucks to haul metal beams, cement blocks, sand, and backfill gravel to construct piles and retaining walls to help restrain landslides

• Excavator to completely remove surrounding soil and rock and replace them with less landslide-prone versions

If you think you live on a landslide-prone slope or are considering buying a home on one, get a geological professional out to inspect the area for landslide likelihood.

5. Driveway Maintenance

Constant exposure to the elements can do a lot to wear down a driveway. Concrete and asphalt driveways can crack and crumble in places leaving your vehicle tires vulnerable to sharp edges. Driveway maintenance through simply adding a fresh sealcoat or completely removing it and installing a new one can make the driveway more useful, better looking, and add value to your home.

Driveway maintenance projects may require some of the following equipment:

• Asphalt truck to transport and maintain the asphalt sealant to be applied to the driveway

• Drill or excavator to dig up the driveway

• Dump truck to haul away the materials that were dug up

• Cement truck to fill in new driveway

These home maintenance projects are just some instances when heavy equipment is integral to the operation, which shows just how effective and important these tools can be to keeping a home in tip top shape.—CEG Blogger

This story also appears on Construction Equipment Guide.